Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is a combination of both Penetration and Vulnerability Test. These tests have different strengths and are often combines to achieve a more complete analysis It locates the loopholes in the system, calculates the vulnerability of each flaw and then classifies based on the nature of possible attacks. It protects against the possible attack by raising an alarm before the flaw leads to an attack. Vulnerability assessment tools finds out the vulnerabilities in the system but they do not differentiate between flaws that can be exploited to cause damage and those that cannot cause any. These vulnerability scanners alert companies to preexisting flaw in their code and where they are located. Penetration tests attempts to exploit the vulnerabilities in a system to determine whether unauthorized breaking in is possible and to find out which flaw acts as the possibility for the attack.

Penetration testing finds out the exploitable flaws and the severity is measured for each flaw. It shows how badly each flaw can damage the site and does not aim to find out each and every flaw in the system. Together Penetration test and Vulnerability assessment test brings out a detailed picture regarding the flaws in the system and the associated risk factors. The need for VAPT

As technology is advancing at a rapid pace, threat elements also seems to be multiplying rapidly. Networks tend to get more and more vulnerable and unsafe. VAPT helps to validate your security against real world threats, it helps to identify the vulnerabilities in your system  and also helps in understanding the real world impact of these flaws in your system. It helps to protect your system even before the attack materializes. Thus in order to keep your system safe, performing VAPT becomes a mandatory process. How long does it take for performing VAPT

The time taken for performing VAPT may vary from one organization to another depending upon the size  of its network and application. We can provide a free demo which would give and idea regarding the duration of the VAPT audit.

How much would VAPT cost you?

It again depends upon the effort required to perform VAPT Audit. Effort estimate depends on the size of your company’s infrastructure ,the scope of your applications and the number of locations involved.

How often should the auditing be done?

Mostly organizations prefer doing the audit once a year while some other does on a daily or monthly basis. It is completely under the discretion of the organization on how often they need the service.

Who does the auditing process?

Experts from Prophaze Technologies will conduct the auditing for your organization. Employees with expertise in VAPT technology will be selected for your auditing. Confidentiality will considered on a serious note by coming into a non disclosure agreement with the firm.

What will be the output of the audit?

A report will get generated after each audit. This audit will be provided after the VAPT audit. This report will include all of the observations in detail from the test conducted and will give the recommendations needed.

What would be the scope of VAPT?

There are three scopes for VAPT.

  • Black box Testing -Testing the system like a complete fresher with no knowledge of the internal network
  • Gray Box Testing – Testing the system with some knowledge of the internal networks.
  • White box Testing -Testing the system from within the network with complete knowledge of the network

Penetration Testing

Prophaze deploys both manual and automated penetration testing frameworks in the customer environment. Every typical and advanced use cases of penetrations  are performed on a regular basis.

Penetration testing can also be called as pen test. It is used to check if there are any exploitable vulnerabilities in the system. It determines whether unauthorized access or any other malicious activities are possible.

Penetration testing consists of 5 stages :

Planning and reconnaissance

This involves identifying test goals and information is gathered.


Scanning is used to determine how the response would be when intruded.

Gaining access

This include staging of web application attacks to uncover a target’s vulnerabilities.

Maintaining access

APTs are imitated to check if vulnerabilities can be used to maintain access.

Analysis and WAF configuration

After the results are obtained, they are used to configure the WAF settings. Then testing is done again to check for more efficiency. There are various methods involved in pen testing such as External testing, internal testing, blind testing, double blind testing, targeted testing. WAF administrators can benefit from pen testing data. According to the results obtained after testing, WAF configurations can be updated to secure against weak spots discovered in the test.

Read more at VAPT