Cyber-Security Challenges in Aviation Industry

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) and DoS attacks on network assets at the airport, most notably, Vulnerability Bandwidth Depletion DDoS which made the Denial of Flight Ticket Inventory. 


XYZ is one of the leading provider in the aviation sector that serves in cargo services, flight operation, air charter services, passenger boarding services and travel, freight control, advisory and consultancy, aircraft preservation and renovation, international flight operation, air supervision, helipad engineering, etc. The airline has a skilled workforce and offers total control and functional back-up to several international schedule / non-scheduled operations.

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XYZ approached Prophaze in order to secure their web application and mobile API, as they were facing few challenges in terms of :

  • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) and DoS attacks on network assets at the airport, most notably, Vulnerability Bandwidth Depletion DDoS which made the Denial of Flight Ticket Inventory. 
  • Airline Bot Problem – affected the Scraping of Flights Information, Fraudulent GDS Queries, and Skewed Look to Book Ratio. Cyber attackers used bots to undertake credential cracking and credential stuffing assaults. Personal information (PII), credit card data, gift card vouchers, and travel history were among the items stolen from user accounts. Illicit virtual currency transfers, such as reward points, wallet money, air miles, gift cards, and so on were also made through those details.

API Attacks – They faced Attacks and data breaches on their poorly protected APIs. Fraudsters took advantage of those API flaws and took over the control of sensitive data.


The Results

Prophaze WAF is easily scalable to meet the demanding requirements and has the ability to handle its needs for high traffic loads.

Prophaze WAF provides an automated defense against automated attacks. By integrating credible & timely information on known attack sources into the WAF defense system that can quickly and accurately stop and can block traffic from malicious sources. Prophaze WAF in block mode can block a good chunk of malicious traffic before it even reaches the target.

Prophaze BotCry has the ability to block malicious traffic from bots using Threat Score Value (TSV).

Prophaze SD WAF can be deployed in a time span of 15 minutes. Quick deployment means quick compliance and security. Gradually enhances the speed to security and compliance of their domain/API.

Prophaze product is very easy to use, handle and manage.

Project Name
Data Protection and Security
Aviation Sector
Our Role
API Security
DDoS Mitigation
AI Based Web Security
Bot Protection