10+ Best Free SSL Certificate Providers 2025

10+ Best Free SSL Certificate Providers

SSL what is termed as Secure Sockets Layer, the name itself depicts that a layer that secures and create an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser.

We are into digital era, where everything from home businesses to big companies are across the web. Their websites, web apps all need to be protected from hacking as most of them contains secured and critical information related to online transactions, KYCs of the customers, Bank accounts, cart info, their trade secrets, codes and much more.

Once SSL is applied to any of the Web App or Websites it restricts the hacker to read or to modify any kind of information between transferred.

SSL versions have been in era for almost 25 years now with advanced versions and upgradations that cover-ups the weakness of the previous SSLs.

There are several SSL Providers available who can very well stand best for this securing protocol across the web. Among them following are the top 10 Free SSL certificate Providers for 2025:

Prophaze SSL/TLS

Prophaze SSL Certificate

Prophaze automatically provisions SSL certificates that are shared by multiple customer domains. Business and Enterprise customers have the option to upload a custom, dedicated SSL certificate that will be presented to end users. This allows the use of extended validation (EV) and organization validated (OV) certificates.

Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt

One of the non-profit Certificate Authority that provides TLS certificates to 260 million websites. It provides certificate for free, and is fully automated.


They aim at providing SSL management on autopilot, full protection, supporting one-step validation, ACME integrations and renewal via SSL REST API.

SSL For Free

SSL For Free

This SSLforfree provides SSL certificates and Wildcard SSL Certificates in minutes. Their SSL certificates are trusted in 99.9% of all browsers worldwide.


One of the fully automated SSL certificate provider that secures in just fraction of minutes. Apart from the Freebies SSL they do even have various packages as per the business domains need.



This SSL service provider works with 99% of all the browsers. It is 2048/4096 SHA2 RSA (ECDSA supported) and provides 24*7 support on chat, email and phone all across the globe. It Satisfies HIPAA & PCI compliance.



This Company is rated as one of the OWASP Top 10. They provide free 90 days trial for SSL certificates. It protects upto 250 domains, wildcard domains, Single and sub-domains and Public IP addresses.



Their FreeSSL.TechAuto that encrypts Clients App written in PHP. This is completely automated and requires no Programming, root access and it works with shared hosting. Their admin dashboard is mobile responsive.



This is one of the world’s largest commercial SSL certificate authority which is Trusted by 36% of the Fortune 1000 and over 700,000 businesses. It secures Single domains, Wildcard certificates and multi-domain/ UCC Certificates.

Comodo SSL

Comodo SSL

ComodoCA risk free certificates are fully trusted DV SSL certificates. They offer ComodoCA Certificate Risk Free for 30 days and a full 30-day money-back guarantee.


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